July 4, 2024

How to Set Service Hours

Step by step

  1. Find the “working hours” option

    – Click on the settings “gear icon”
    – Click on “working hours”

  2. Set Your Working Hours
    Once you’ve found the working hours section, you’ll see options to set your start and end times. Use the sliders, dropdown menus, or text input boxes to define your work hours.

  3. Configure Working Days
    In addition to setting your working hours, you can specify the days you work. This allows you to customize your schedule according to your needs and preferences.

  4. Save Changes
    After configuring your working hours and days, look for a button or link labeled “Save changes” to apply the changes. Make sure to click this button to confirm your schedule.

    Verify Settings
    Once you’ve saved the changes, verify that your working hours are set correctly. You can do this by returning to the account settings section and reviewing your working hours and days.

  5. Adjust as Needed
    If you need to adjust your working hours at any time, simply repeat these steps and make the necessary changes in your account settings.

  6. Ready to Work!
    With your working hours set up on Qwizeen, you’re ready to make the most of your time on the platform. You can now focus on your learning and professional development during your designated working hours.

  7. Keep Your Settings Updated
    It’s important to review and update your working hours on Qwizeen as needed. If your working hours change or if you want to adjust your availability, make sure to reflect these changes in your account settings.

  8. By following these simple steps, you can easily set your working hours on Qwizeen and manage your time effectively while using the platform for your learning and professional development.

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