Managing the Inventory Packages

Managing Inventory Packages

This guide helps you add, edit, and upload inventory packages in the system.

How to Access Packages

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Go to Back Office > Inventory > Packages.

Adding a New Package

  1. Click + Add New Packages.
  2. Fill out the details:
    • Title: Name of the package.
    • Amount Per Package: Quantity in each package.
    • Inventory Item: Select the related inventory item.
    • Brand: Choose the brand.

  3. Click Add.

Uploading Packages in Bulk

  1. Click Upload Packages.
  2. Download the Sample Excel File.
  3. Fill in the required fields:
    • Title, Brand, Count, and Inventory Item.
  4. Save the file and upload it by dragging it or using Browse Files.
  5. Click Submit.

Editing or Deleting a Package

  • Edit: Click the pencil icon next to the package, update the details, and save.
  • Delete: Click the trash bin icon and confirm to remove the package.

Search and Filter

Use the search bar to find packages by title or sort them as needed.


  • Keep package details up to date.
  • Use clear names for easier management.
  • Review and clean up the list regularly.